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Pineapple in light syrup in canned
Pineapple in light syrup in canned
Production Process
Technological production of canned fruit in syrup
Canned fruit in syrup is made from fruit such as cloth soaked in sugar syrup, longan in syrup, rambutan in syrup, frozen pineapple in syrup, .. canned coconut jelly in syrup has the same technology as the fruit in syrup.
Canned fruit in syrup is nearly identical in nature with the best materials should be very popular. Other types of canned fruit, such as "canned juice" is made by pressing or diffusion cells get translated as pineapple juice, or rub the meat of fruit such as banana, papaya, water, water, custard, .. A "jam" is made from concentrated fruit with sugar solids to 65-70%, including the form of jam or frozen fruit jellies, jams fine, large piece jam, jam rim, jam dry. In many countries there are fermented canned fruit, fruit xalat, sirop fruit ..
General technological processes produce canned fruit in syrup is as follows:

Raw materials → selection, sorting → Wash → Handling Mechanical Heat Treatment → Post air box, the same multiplier cap bar → Closing date Cooling, labels, shipment labels → Insulation, Closed barrel → Export sales

The following stages of the process is the key need special attention to quality control:

1. Material selection

Raw material requirements are important because the quality of raw materials in production have a decisive effect on the quality of products. So lush material need, at the appropriate level of maturity, size is appropriate. Depending on the specific products that are the right way.

- For the same banana banana banana varieties suitable as targets, bananas, palm forward, use ripe bananas were too shady, do not use ripe banana trees. Ripe banana should be just right: soft shell, golden flesh, flavor, sweetness, not MSN, average diameter of bananas to greater than 25 mm.

- Labels are just labels used thick rice, water labels but sweet flesh is thin and soft but not suitable for products labeled sugar water, should result in a diameter 22 mm; Some only use litchi varieties (hybrids and varieties scattered scatter tomatoes are not appropriate), with ripe fruit color is red fruit over a third, larger diameter 30 mm fruit.

- Pineapple need for large, cylindrical, with moderately ripe. For ripe pineapple Cayen need from one eye or two eyes, if lower, the product maturity pale, unappealing taste and add extra sugar.

2. Material Handling

The impact on the course materials before packing into boxes as raw material processing. Depending on the type of material, the nature of the product that treatment of different materials.

- For bananas produced in the form of cut, the production process as follows:

Raw materials → selection → washing → Results → Peel Strip
Cut fiber 

- Handling of spilled material and similar labels, including the stages:

SortingStemmedWash fruitsPeeled, seeded  → Soak CaCl2 Rinse.

- Pineapple, shall be treated as follows:

Raw materialsSelect and classifyBreak the flower, stalk → Wash → Cut the headUnexpected corePeelcut eyeslice Pieces Rinse.
3. Showing box, pour sugar water

After treatment, fruit materials are drained, remove the test specifications and results are not fully placed in the box. Volume accounting for between 55 - 80% net weight of the box, depending on the type of product. Mass effect will diminish after the pasteurization process by a diffusion juice to sugar water (from 6-21% compared to the mass loading effect when the box).

Results can be placed in glass jars or metal cans. For metal cans should choose the box inside the varnish coated for aqueous and sour fruit often antoxian dye reacts with metal salt makes sugar water was discolored. On the other hand, products coated with varnish in the box can not taste the metal, lowering product quality.

Pour hot sugar water to limit infection, while all the air in the box. But do not be filled to overflowing because the box is easy to open joints, and bottle caps are easy to mount when pasteurized.

4. Cover seaming, pasteurized

Need to pair the box was poured into the lid immediately, if not prone to discoloration products and have high levels of infection. It is best to transplant the lid with the machine lid automatically pair with the vacuum, otherwise all the product gas at temperatures 85 - 90oC for 15 -20 minutes and poured quickly into the box lid provides transplant. Guaranteed level of machine seaming lid transplants are important requirements to be met.

Pasteurized product mode: need to determine the right time does not affect product quality. There are three stages in the process of pasteurization is the time needed to comply with improved thermal, thermal time and duration of hypothermia.

After pasteurization, cooling, insulation products should be to ensure the safety of the factory.

Production of canned fruit products to ensure safety and hygiene conditions of food as an absolute condition as above, if pasteurization contamination of heat-resistant bacteria can not be eliminated if the heat also higher or extend the time there is no freshness, crunchy fruit.

Canned products, if not destroy all microorganisms, the process failure occurs, bulging lid, the lid burst, explode. Acidity, high sugar can inhibit microbes, but to sell products must be manufactured according to the taste of the market, according to customer business objectives that aim. Therefore necessarily comply with safety, proper technique at each stage, organization, management, factory design and mismanagement.

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